Friday, April 30, 2010

Food Travel

The activity that we work on today was very surprising to me. I learn many new things from the groceries for example i didn't knew that bananas came from Guatemala. The sensory of a banana is smooth and yummy. At first i thought that banana came from Colombia,but reading the label of this product was very interesting to me.Learning new things everyday is very important.Many people don't even pay attention of where the food really comes from. How much time it takes to deliver the product to a grocery store. Many of the fresh foods in stores are running out. Which makes people get more obese. The reason to this is because their no fresh meat or fresh fruit.
Locavore is people who pay attention from where there food comes from. People who are locavore they like eating fresh things. People like locavore makes stores bring more fresh fruits and meat to their local business. Hopefully the transportation is not a big deal about it. Which in one way it is because they are using petroleum but this is the only way that fresh food and other products could be transportation.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Volcanic Ash

As i was reading this article about Icelandic Volcanic many airlines couldn't flight to European. The reason to this is because the volcano left ash from the eruption. This eruption made the airplane interrupt because it had it a lot ash. It made many workers lose their jobs for several weeks. Many travelers couldn't flight to European so they postpone it. Which many Traver's weren't happy about it.

In a airport theirs always more then 100 flights going in and out. Their always good business especially on winter break, summer and spring break. Their was a time when airlines had problems because the economy was on debt and many Traver's weren't flying.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supple & Demand

Supply- is the price that the seller wants to put for all customer. Its a various prices that sellers put. Like 50% off on clothes and other kinds of things.

Demand- is how people decide to buy what they are willing and able to buy. For example clothes people will be able to buy that.

As i was taking the test of oil quiz. What was so interesting was that many of this question were new to me. But i learn something of it. For example the oil who's the best seller and who produces more. Which was so interesting to me. It was kind of hard because i didn't knew all the questions.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses Of Oil...

Today i watched a new report about petroleum and i learn how important is in our daily life. Without oil their wouldn't be car transportation people would have to walk to work. Oil is also used on food cans. Theirs many ways oik can be use on. What i found more interesting was that oil is also used on make-up. Make up is my main thing i used in my daily live. Petroleum is used every single day maybe we wont notices it. Oil is also used on medicine it might be because of the bottles and other stuff. we also used detergent in our house that the daily basic of my moms washing dishes at home.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life with out hair spray

Every morning when I wake up I start getting ready like any other girl.I start doing my hair with a little hair spray here and there my hair starts looking nice. Without my beautiful hair spray my hair wouldn't look nice. So if the stores would run out hairspray my hair wouldn't look nice. It would look crappy. And i know that i am not the only girl that use hairspray. I wouldn't like to live without hairspray because hairspray makes my hair get shiner. It also makes volume to my hair.